About Us

We believe in normalizing the uncomfortable (yet common) life experience of loss, bereavement, and grief. Together, through education and stories, we are transforming societal norms and support for those grieving so we can all live and work more comfortably.

Hear from the founder
Katie Stanton

Our Mission is to Help Inspire Better Bereavement for All.

In 2011, my sister died in a car accident, and it changed almost every aspect of my life. After attending grief group, counseling, and receiving social support from others I realized grief is not something to walk through alone. I experienced helpful support but also some awful support, albeit those people had the best of intentions. When I was ready, I wanted to give back and I started volunteering at a local grief center. Through that, I saw it was not just me that was unsatisfied with people’s reactions, and that socially we do not know how to sufficiently talk about, react to, or support those who are grieving. Nor are we prepared enough for the inevitable event that we will die or lose a loved one. I knew there had to be a better way for the bereaved to experience grief. I just wasn’t sure on what that looked like.

For my IO Psychology master’s program, I chose to do my thesis research on grief in the workplace to find there was not extensive research specific to that topic. It made me wonder why, given it is such a common human experience to have to work and likely become bereaved while employed. Fast forward seven months, I researched loss, bereavement, grief, trauma, supports, and interventions from many angles. My research solidified better bereavement awareness, education, support, planning, and standards are needed. Unfortunately, it is not a fun topic to discuss, and many would rather avoid it. You better bereave I could talk about it all day though. YBBI takes my business, consulting, and training experience coupled with my education, grief work, and research to bring you, your company, and our society a more comfortable approach to an uncomfortable topic. The more we address the uncomfortable, remove the stigma around it, and learn to empathetically care for those around us, the more resilient we can become as individuals, communities, and organizations. You matter. Your business matters. Your grief matters. You better bereave it!

Image of Founder Katie Stanton
one step at a time

Find Comfort in the Chaos of Grief

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